Central Norway

Unterkunft in Mittel-Norwegen - 5 Treffer

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5 unterkunft

Buchen Sie Ihre Übernachtungen in Jugendherbergen oder B&B in Mittel-Norwegen auf trondelag.com. Wir bieten Ihnen eine gute Auswahl an Jugendherbergen und B&Bs in Mittel-Norwegen.

Frosta   Karte
Hotel & Zimmer | Hauganfjæra Camping in Frosta is located on the seafront in lush surroundings. Have apartments in addition to traditional camping. Located in close proximity to the island Tautra, with monastery, gallery and restaurant.

Oppdal   Karte
Hütte und Ferienwohnung | Nice mini-apartments (3-6 persons) in the center of Oppdal.

Tydal   Karte
Hotel & Zimmer | Here you book accommodation in a shared room which gives you a bed in a room where more guests might be placed. If you are traveling to Norway, please research current rules for Covid-19.

Tydal   Karte
Hütte und Ferienwohnung | Here you book the whole room, which means that you also pay for beds you may not use. If you do not need a separate room, you can tro to resvere a bed. If you are traveling to Norway, please research current rules for Covid-19.

Inderøy   Karte
Hütte und Ferienwohnung | Romatic little cottage. Shabby Chic-style. Also suitable as a 5th bedroom to the main house. Heating and cooking with gas. No indoor water.

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